One morning I said to my sister, “I think at night I talk to God, but he makes me forget what we talked about when I wake up.”
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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One morning I said to my sister, “I think at night I talk to God, but he makes me forget what we talked about when I wake up.”
Are Life Tragedies Pre-Determined?
Does God decide your life tragedies before you are born? Are they avoidable?
Don’t Ignore This Warning from the Guides
Read the cautionary tale of Lena and how she escaped an online predator.
Learn how to pick up on information intuitively using the tug and the ping.
What Do Spirit Guides Do When They Are Not Guiding Us?
Do spirit guides ever get down time or are they attuned to us 24/7?
How To Know If You’re a Lightworker
The 7 characteristics of a lightworker. Are you one of them?
Do Intuitives Set Personal Boundaries?
People often ask me how I use my psychic abilities in my everyday life and what kind of boundaries I have. Here’s where the lines are drawn, at least for me.
What Language Do Spirit Guides Use to Communicate Clairaudiently?
Do spirit guides use a specific language to speak to us? What if we are bilingual?
Is There a Spiritual Significance to Repeating Numbers?
Are you seeing 444 or other repeating numbers? It may not mean what you think it means.
Does Divine Intervention Exist?
Why doesn’t God intervene and prevent tragedy, war, accidents, and murders? This is why…
From the Ask Erin mailbag comes this question from Mia: “I know you say God is in all of us, that we are a part of God. I’m confused. Does this mean we are a part of God like we are his children or are we actually God?
How Spirit Guides Help You on a Daily Basis
Are your spirit guides able to reach you with important, urgent information?
Do Spirit Guides Consult with Other Spirit Guides Before They Give Advice?
Recently a client asked me if spirit guides ever consult the guides of other people you are asking about before they give advice. This is what happens.
Do Spirit Guides Ever Give Up on Us?
When life doesn’t seem to be flowing right, does it mean our spirit guides have abandoned us?
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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