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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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She Died in a Wall

Trigger Warning: Child sexual abuse and death

Upon occasion, deceased people will come to me in my dreams or astrally and tell me their stories.  Usually there’s a tragic element to it, either in how they lived or how they died.  Many of them are murder victims and they either want someone to know what really happened to them, or they want me to know where their body is located, or they want justice by showing me who killed them.

Recently, one such victim came to me to tell me her story.  

I’m going to share what I was shown, and it’s abominable and very sad. This story may lower your vibration.  Do not read it unless you prepare yourself for that possibility.

The reason I’m sharing it is to educate and inform, especially other psychics and mediums out there, that this happens. That deceased people can come to you and show you things, and you either need to politely decline to be a witness, or you have to prepare yourself to know some things you wish you didn’t.

Sometimes when they show you, you are inside their body, in their perspective, and the terrible tragedy they’ve suffered is experienced by you from a first-person perspective.  And sometimes you are just standing off to the side or looking down from above as a witness.

Here we go…

About 30 minutes after I went to sleep, a small child, maybe 3 – 4 years old, appeared by my bed.  A cold wind accompanied her as she stood by my bed and waited for me to notice her.

When I did, I knew immediately she was deceased.  I said hello and asked her why she came to me. She said, “I died in the wall.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant, so I said, “Show me.”  We clasped hands and I was transported to the scene.  In this one I was in the witness perspective (thankfully) and not integrated into the first-person perspective.

It was the late 1800’s, we were in a run-down house, seemed possibly abandoned.  The whole interior seemed to be falling apart.  Very dirty, bare minimum furniture, holes in the wall, cobwebs, the whole nine yards.  

In walked a man.  He was balding, overweight, sweaty, wearing brown pants, suspenders, and a stained button-down shirt.  He had a box of groceries.  He left the groceries on a table on the first floor and went to the fourth floor of the home.  

That’s where the horror hit me.  Laying on a very dirty pallet with a rope tied around her foot was my ghost child.  She had on a small shirt and nothing else.  It was bad, people.

I’ll spare you the details of what I saw him do to her, but it’s every bit as nightmarish as you can imagine. She was with him for about 5 days in this situation, crying, broken, hurting, in a complete state of despair, that eventually turned to catatonia.  

But there came a point when he was ready to end her life, and he strangled her.  He thought she was dead, but she was not.  He pulled a board out from the wall and put her body in it then closed up the wall again by nailing the boards. Then he left the dwelling.

When she woke up, she was largely in the dark.  She started crawling around and she showed me that the quarters were tight and she couldn’t really stand up.  Then there was a hole in her path she didn’t see and this caused her to slip and fall to the third floor.  

She hurt herself doing this, but continued to crawl around, seeking escape from being inside the wall. She could not see, she got turned around a few times, but desperation made her continue.

Eventually she fell once again, to the second floor and this time she landed in a very bad way.  Her body was pierced by wood splinters and she could not extricate herself or move.  She bled out slowly and died.

She was alone, scared, and had no comprehension of the horrible things done to her body.

But she wanted to tell someone her story, to reach out and show someone what happened to her.  She happened to come to me, but my guess is she went to others or was guided to others who also bore witness to her plight.

This spirit needed some healing.  When I asked to see her spirit guides, they appeared to me along with angelic energies who were working on healing her to a point where she could let go of that life, that persona, and merge back with her higher self.

You’ve probably read on one of my blogs or heard on one of my videos that you can replay parts of your life before you fully slough it off.  Especially when there is a murder and the perpetrator has not been caught, a spirit may replay the trauma.  It is their choice when to let it go, though their guides and angelic energies will help them process it.  

I told the young spirit that “I saw her” and that seemed to bring her some relief.  I told her that she didn’t have to experience that trauma anymore, and that she could let go of it and never have to experience it again.  I thanked her for letting me bear witness to her story, and told her no one should have to go through that.  She smiled at me and disappeared.

I don’t know if she was ready to move on, or if she felt she needed to tell more people her story.  But she is not alone on the other side; she is being cared for.  Her free will decision to continue to replay the trauma is part of the process of letting go. I have no doubt she will eventually. 

If you find yourself in a similar situation one day, such as being murdered, please give yourself permission to let go and move on.  It’s true that sometimes you need to relive the trauma to release it.  But know right now that that is a free will decision. Allow yourself to be healed so you can move on to better things.  When you’re ready.

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