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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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We Came Anyway

We knew when we came here we would suffer.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here we would feel different.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here we would be overwhelmed by the energy of others.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here we would forget who we really were.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here that we might not have the strength to fulfill our tasks.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here that we might fall and be unable to rise.
We came anyway.

We knew when we came here we might feel completely alone.
We came anyway.

We came to carry the light, to be beacons, so anyone who wanted to could find their way out of darkness.

We came with compassion to remind people that we are all one.

We came with love from Source, to remind others that we are never truly alone.

We came to hold hands with the wretched so they too could remember they are worthy of grace.

We came to remind humanity that joy is a birthright, and everyone is entitled to partake of it.

We came with memories of the other side so that we might remind people of Home.

We came to unite humanity so we could traverse the stars.

We came here on purpose, to help others, to relieve suffering, to remind people that they are souls having a human experience.

We knew when we came here that our journey might be cut short, that we might lose our precious lives in a heartbeat.

But we came. We came anyway.

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