A reader emailed me recently to ask if I thought that remote viewing was a legitimate psychic skill. For those not familiar with remote viewing, it is the ability to psychically see locations, people, and objects at a distance.
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with Erin Pavlina
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A reader emailed me recently to ask if I thought that remote viewing was a legitimate psychic skill. For those not familiar with remote viewing, it is the ability to psychically see locations, people, and objects at a distance.
Is There Such a Thing as Karmic Debt?
Question: “I have some really bad health problems I just can’t seem to get past. Is all of this happening because I was bad in a past life and now I’m being punished? Am I paying off karmic debt?”
Reconciling Religious Beliefs with Spirituality
I got an email recently from a concerned fellow. He wrote: “Erin, I’ve been reading your articles for quite some time and a lot of what you say about the afterlife makes sense to me, but some of what you write goes against the Bible. My religion teaches me that I must reject you and your teachings as heretical. I am conflicted, because my heart tells me you are correct but my religion teaches me that you are wrong. I do not know what to believe. Can you help me?”
Can Deceased Loved Ones Lash Out in Anger from the Other Side?
I got three emails recently that had me concerned.
“Erin, the other night I dreamed my deceased mother turned her back on me. Is she mad at me? What have I done to deserve her anger, and how can I fix it?”
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