How Can You Test the Validity of a Psychic Reading?
How can you know if a reading from a psychic or medium is valid and true?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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How Can You Test the Validity of a Psychic Reading?
How can you know if a reading from a psychic or medium is valid and true?
Will a Missed Opportunity Come Back Around?
“If your spirit guides or the universe send you an opportunity that is in alignment with your life path, but you don’t take the opportunity, will they send it around again? I’m afraid I missed something I can never get back.”
Do Spirit Guides Choose Us or Are They Assigned to Us?
“Do Spirit Guides have multiple humans that they are guides for at the same time? Do they choose whom they will guide?”
Do Deceased Loved Ones Haunt Us After Death?
“My husband died about 3 months ago and since his death I’m noticing a run of bad luck in my life that I think might be him. Could he be haunting me? Is he unhappy with me and how I’m conducting my life since his death? What can I do to appease him?”
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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