My son, Kyle, who is currently 13 years old, has begun experimenting with lucid dreaming. As I help him learn how to lucid dream better and teach him what he can do with it, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the pointers I’ve been giving him.
So my Lucid Dreaming pointer is to believe it’s possible.
First, it always surprises me when people write to tell me that lucid dreaming isn’t real, that it can’t possibly exist, and that science says it’s impossible so it must be. Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that are you dreaming while you are dreaming. It is very real, it really does happen, and I believe almost anyone can learn to do it.
I learned how to lucid dream around the age of 12 and spent years mastering it. My son sort of stumbled onto it but he was excited by the ability so he’s been working hard at mastering it.
He’s got a bit of a head start since his mom has been talking about lucid dreaming for all of his life. So he never went into it with the idea that it was impossible. I think that’s an important first step. If you believe it’s impossible that’s really going to block you. You’d have to have an accidental lucid dream if you’re not even open to the idea that it’s real.
My second pointer is to wake up, stay up, then go back to sleep.
The way Kyle is initiating lucid dreams is by using a method I also talk about in my book, The Astral Projection Guidebook. The same technique works for lucid dreaming.
The technique is to set an alarm to wake yourself up in the middle of your night. Stay up for 30 to 90 minutes and then go back to sleep. Your odds of having a lucid dream are vastly increased when you do this. Make sure you have time and don’t have to be somewhere early.
Kyle sets his alarm for 6:10am. Then he gets up and has breakfast and goes back to sleep for about an hour. It’s not the best schedule since he has to get up for school by 7:30, but it’s been working for him and he’s happy with the process.
When I do this technique, I usually wake up around 2am, stay up until 4am and go back to sleep which gives me a ton of time to play around in my lucid dream because I don’t usually have to be up until 7:45.
Choose the time that works best for you.
My third pointer is to practice staying calm inside your lucid dream.
Be an observer at first until you get the hang of staying in the lucid dream longer.
Kyle tells me that once he is lucid he just sort of stands there exploring the dream elements, but before he can get to do too much, the awareness of dreaming and the excitement wake him up.
This happened to me too when I first started practicing lucid dreaming. Once you realize you’re asleep but awake it sometimes causes you to wake up. It must activate the part of your brain that is normally active when you are fully conscious.
My fourth pointer is to consciously change or alter your dream landscape so you can practice dream creation and using your will.
Kyle tells me that he has been having lucid dreams about 5 days a week and he’s getting better at staying calm. I asked him what he does in his dreams, and he told me he usually just walks around exploring the dream construct.
I asked him if he talks to any of the dream characters or tries to change the scene. He said, surprised, “You can do that?!?!”
So I’ve given him some tasks to try next time he lucid dreams. Talk to a dream character and tell them you know you’re dreaming and see how they react.
I also told him to change something in the dream using just his conscious will. In my early days I recall snapping my fingers and teleporting to a whole new dream location. I also practiced creating new dream characters. It’s great fun to create the dream landscape consciously.
My fifth pointer is to experiment with becoming or doing something you cannot in your waking life.
Have an adventure! Have fun!
Kyle told me that in his lucid dreams he is just himself, walking around.
My absolute favorite thing to do in lucid dreams is fly around or be a superhero with powers, so I explained to Kyle some of the things that are possible in a lucid dream. Flying, walking through walls, teleporting to a new location, interacting with people he likes … the sky’s the limit!
He’s an avid video game player so he immediately latched onto the idea of becoming Master Chief from Halo and shooting up the bad guys. I told him all he has to do is think about what he wants and it will manifest in the dream. He is very excited to try this out for himself.
My sixth pointer is to pre-program your dream content so you remember what you wanted to do when you become lucid.
Don’t waste time!
Kyle also told me that once he’s lucid he doesn’t always remember to do the fun things. He feels confined to the dream landscape he is already in.
I tackled this problem by thinking very carefully in advance about what I wanted my next lucid dream to feature. Then the moment I am lucid I can easily remember what I wanted to do and I just snap my fingers and the dream conforms to my will.
So when I wanted to be Storm from the X-Men I would think about her before going to sleep. Then when I was lucid, I could easily launch my dream program and then it was me and my fellow X-Men fighting Sentinels. Super fun!
I also love being part of a Supernatural episode, hunting ghosts with Sam and Dean Winchester. So if I want a Supernatural dream, I watch the show right before bed or just imagine hunting with them as I fall asleep.
My seventh pointer is to read my astral projection book or the articles on my blog if you want to venture into astral projection.
There’s too much to explain in just one article. The book will explain how to astral project and how to avoid it if you are doing it against your will.
Kyle told me that sometimes when he goes back to sleep after being up, he starts to feel all tingly in his body and he hears a sound in his head. His body feels paralyzed and he is not in the dream state.
He said the first time it happened he got up out of bed and was walking around our house, but he saw a scary figure and immediately “woke up.”
I let him know that he was astral projecting, which is a very common thing to do once you’ve learned lucid dreaming. He was scared of what he saw and decided he never wanted to astral project again.
He asked me if there was a way to just lucid dream and not become astral. There is.
Take a deep dive into learning more about lucid dreaming by diving into my ultimate guide today!
My eighth pointer is to get over the fear of astral projection.
By doing so you can experience all it has to offer, including communing with your deceased loved ones, traveling through the galaxy, helping people who are lost to cross over, and engaging in some mind-blowing astral sex.
Kyle said he was interested in possibly learning to astral project but asked me how to do it without attracting something scary.
We talked about raising your vibration when you are in that state. Often when we go astral there are entities around that scare us and then feed on that fear. Many people are so afraid of the experience that they never learn to get past it or control it.
So I’ve been working with Kyle on exactly what to do when he goes astral. He’s also begun reading my book and watching videos on YouTube.
When you master lucid dreaming, it’s almost like you are a god. You create a reality and get to explore it. You can create dream characters to talk to, speak to your spirit guides, study for a test, fly like Superman, and create the most beautiful scenery you can imagine. You are only limited by your imagination! I sometimes use it to return to a dream I was enjoying and letting it fully play out the way I want it to. It’s powerful.
I hope you will use these pointers to learn lucid dreaming yourself. It’s a great way to spend your night. Why be at the mercy of some random dreams when you can literally create the dream of your dreams?
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