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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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What’s Coming in 2016

This last year I tried an experiment with my blog by allowing people to submit stories and interview questions for me. It was a lot of fun for me to try something different with the blog and for the most part these features were well received. My site is now visited by more than 2 million people from around the world.

Next year I’m going to make some new changes based on feedback I’ve gotten over the last year and some new stuff I really want to do.

So there will be some new features:

The Dead Zone: In this feature I’ll be writing about and answering the top questions I get about life on the other side and what happens when we die. I get more questions about that than any other type of question, so I’m going to give this category it’s own feature.

Wisdom from the Guides: I’ve done thousands of readings for people all over the world and I’ve been privy to some amazing insights and wisdom from all of your guides. In this feature I’m going to write about the universal wisdom I’ve heard from the other side as I think it will really apply to so many people and be of great benefit to hear.

Category Round Ups: Since there are now more than 800 articles on the blog, I want to do a sort of round up of the top 10 articles in each category. So each month I’ll pick a category and post the top articles I think will benefit you from that category. There are so many people who come to the site and have no idea where to start, so I’m hoping if there is a category of interest that this round up will help.

Regular blog articles: I’ll also continue to blog about things that come up in my brain that I want to talk about and discuss. So you’ll still see some articles on all manner of topics from psychic development to past lives to personal development and more.

Videos: I’m also going to post some more videos of me answering reader questions which I haven’t done for a couple of years, but I think it’s time I started that again.

Like the last couple of years, all new content will post to the site on Tuesdays.

For now there will be no more paranormal stories or long interview questions. I’m also doing away with the other features from last year so we can delve into new features. I want to thank everyone who submitted content, stories and interviews. There were hundreds of submissions and I regret that I could not post them all.

As we head into 2016, I am also planning to release some online courses and do some remote professional trainings. It’s been a very busy year for me and I didn’t get around to doing everything I desired. We’ll see what I can get done in 2016.

I’m also going to experiment with some new reading options based on feedback I’ve gotten over the years.

Thank you for being part of this journey. I appreciate you all very much!

I hope you have a happy New Year’s, and I’ll see you in 2016.

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