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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Paranormal Experience: Mattie Says Hi!

This paranormal experience was submitted by David:

Mom had been in the hospital for about a week when I got a call from my sister, “You better come up. I think it is getting close.” I caught a flight home the next morning.

Landing in Jackson left a few hours’ drive to home. I decided to leave the radio off to process the events that were about to occur. I opened myself up more and more as the hospital became closer.

Passing a Choctaw Indian burial mound on the way, a loud voice spoke into my left ear, “MATTIE SAYS HI!” It was so loud that it startled me, and I asked out loud “Who is this message for?” No answer to the question. Usually (okay, almost always) when I hear a voice in my left ear, it means the message is for someone else and I am to pass it along. To whom is the big question.

Mom was unresponsive when I arrived. The family was visiting in the hall when a striking, dark haired woman walked in. My guides informed me excitedly “The message is for her!” She walked over to the group and greeted my sister, introduced herself as Linda, Mom’s pastor. Linda led us in a prayer for mom and after I asked to speak to her.

“There is a message for you I think. Mattie says hi.” Linda immediately broke eye contact and looked away. “Does that mean anything to you?”

She replied “No, no clue.”

Mom passed the following morning.

I spoke with Linda before Mom’s service and again asked her if the message meant anything after she thought about it. Again she broke eye contact and said “no.”

Six weeks passed and I got an email from Linda. “Matilda was my great grandmother. She wanted all of the grandchildren to call her Mattie. Mattie was a full-blooded Choctaw Indian.”

This episode taught me a great lesson, don’t scare the clergy!

Erin’s Commentary:
What we have here is a case of mediumship. David was one of the graduates of my Professional Intuitive Training program and he has strong psychic and medium skills. David was open and tuned in when he passed by the burial mound. This deceased loved one, Mattie, knew that David was going to be near her great granddaughter so she tried to give a message to David to give to Linda, and David was aware of it. So the message got passed on.

Often there are deceased loved ones trying to communicate with you but you may not hear them if you don’t know how. Developing your intuitive skills can help you receive messages from your own loved ones or pass on messages to others.

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