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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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News and Announcements – July 2013

There’s a lot going on around the Erin Pavlina office, and I’ve been super busy, but I want to share a bit of what’s happening so you can avail yourself of some opportunities.

Professional Intuitive Training Program

Enrollment is now open for my Professional Intuitive Training program. I’ve got two dates planned and I can take 4 people in each training.

September 23-25 (Monday through Wednesday)
November 6-8 (Wednesday through Friday)

How do you know if this is the right program for you?

Do you want to help others with your intuitive abilities?
Do you already know how to access your intuition and/or talk to your guides?
Can you afford the tuition ($3000) and take 3 days off to be with me in Las Vegas?

If you answered “yes” then you are ready for this program. You can learn more about the program here:

If you are ready to commit, send me a message and let me know which dates you want.

Once the 4 slots are taken, I will not add more people. This training is very hands on and experiential and I keep the class size small to ensure quality training and personalized attention to you.

Email Reading Option

About a month ago I quietly added a new reading option to the menu. I announced it to my newsletter list and on Facebook and it’s been selling like wildfire. Here’s what it’s all about:

It’s an email reading. You send me one question and you get your answer via email. There are many advantages to this reading option:

  • Fast turnaround: I guarantee you will get your response within 3 days. Many have gotten a response within 30 minutes!
  • Lowest price: This option is the least expensive way to get a reading with me. Just $150.
  • No English required: Many people who don’t speak English are taking advantage of this option because they can translate their answer into their native tongue easily using Google Translate.

This is not a good option for you, however, if you have a lot of questions, if you want to communicate with a deceased loved one, or you want to go over many areas of your life. A phone reading is then much better for you.

I am pleased to be able to offer this option as it satisfies a lot of reader demand. Book your email reading right here.

The Astral Projection Book: Update!

I completed writing my astral projection book and am super excited to get this into production. Next week, the book will go to the cadre of people who will produce the book, edit it, and do the cover. Hopefully I’ll have it ready for sale by mid to late August.

The book will be available on for your Kindle, but also you can purchase a printed copy from Amazon as well.

Due to popular demand, I’ll be autographing 100 copies of the book to send out through the mail. Stay tuned to the blog and my newsletter so you can be one of the first to get your copy!

Up and Coming

Once the Astral Projection book is done, I’m going to devote time to creating online classes, also due to high demand. The first will most likely be an Intuition Development course, based on the workshops I did last year.

I’m also planning more Q&A teleseminars.

In the coming weeks I’ll also be switching to a Facebook fan page since I’ve maxed out the number of people on my personal page and I think it’s important to be able to reach everyone who wants to be reached.

I’ve got a couple of new assistants helping me out, and I am so thankful for them. Stephan is helping me with book production, and Melisha is my new personal and business assistant. Thanks to them I have been able to expand my capacity.

I’m really excited for all the stuff that’s coming up. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. If you want to request a class topic, use my contact form.

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