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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Why Would Someone Choose a Hard Life?

I got an email from a guy who was very upset with me. He had read my article about how we choose our own parents and life circumstances and had quite the bee buzzing in his bonnet. He very angrily said, “Why would someone choose to be poor? Why would someone choose to be disabled? If it is really a choice, why wouldn’t everyone choose to have rich parents and live a life of luxury?”

I responded back to him and we went back and forth a bit and I decided that other people probably have the same question, so I’m going to share.

First of all, it is true that before you incarnate you select your parents. But before that happens, you figure out what your intention is for this life. You decide what you want to experience. And then you go about finding a family that will give you the best chance of experiencing what you want to experience.

Yes, sometimes the family happens to be poor. And yes, sometimes the family happens to be rich. Usually that is not a deciding factor for a soul before it incarnates because while you are in the ether you remember, realize and know that money is man-made and is simply a by-product of an earthly incarnation.

More important than money, however, is whether or not your chosen family will be able to help you accomplish your intention.

When I told him this, he came back with, “But life is so hard for some. Who would ever choose to have a hard life?”

Why don’t marathon runners simply get in a car and drive to the finish line? Because they like to run, they want the challenge, they want to see if they can run a marathon.

Why don’t hikers just get in a helicopter and soar to the top of the mountain in minutes instead of climbing for hours or even days to get to the top? Because hikers want to hike, they enjoy the journey, the struggle, the challenge.

Imagine if you were playing a video game. You make your character and hit “start” and when you pop into the town as your character someone comes along and says, “Here is 1 billion gold pieces, here is a level 80 sword, and here is an infinite supply of food and healing potions. Have fun!” Boring! You want to go questing. You want to see what your character is capable of.

There’s no doubt that some people have it very rough on this earth. Maybe they’re here to test humanity’s compassion. Maybe they’re here because they love a challenge. Maybe they’re here to overcome adversity, rise to the top, and make things better for those back at home.

As for disabled folks… some of them know they will be disabled before they incarnate and some don’t. Remember that free will trumps everything once you incarnate. By your actions or the actions of others, your beautiful, easy, rich life can become hell, and your poor, miserable existence can become heavenly.

The secret is your attitude. If you read my last article, A Good Cup of Soup, you’ll see that a very financially poor man is one of the wealthiest people I’ve ever met. And we all know about rich people who kill themselves because they don’t carry internal happiness.

Ultimately, your life circumstances are defined by your attitude. No matter what circumstances you’re in when you arrive, you can change them completely if you desire it strongly enough. There are thousands of examples of people who have.

I don’t know if the guy who emailed me will accept what I’ve told him, but that’s his choice too. No matter where you think you are, you can think your way out of your situation. It’s all about attitude.

And when you cross over and go back to the ether, your compadres will clap you on the back and say, “Well done! I thought you were a goner there a few times, but you pulled through. You were magnificent!”

And you’ll smile, knowing that although the journey was hard, it tested you and you prevailed. And you’ll say, “Damn straight! Now when can I make another character and go back and play?”

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