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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Design My New Masthead – Contest

I’m working with my web developer on creating and launching a brand new website, and I need some help with the masthead. We had sent it out to a graphic artist to work on, but he went on vacation and never came back. So we had the bright idea to hold a little contest among my readers.

The winner of this contest will receive a free 30 minute reading from me (or you can give it as a gift to a friend).

You can submit as many entries as you like.

Deadline is Tuesday, Sept 4, 2012.

If you want to compete, just send me a message through my contact form and I’ll send you the specs (size, color, pieces, etc.) then use your creativity to create the masthead of my dreams. 😉

I’d love for this masthead to come from inside my own community. I thank you all in advance for your participation!

Let the contest begin!

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