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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Intuition Development Workshop – New Price

A funny thing happened to me on the way to creating the Intuition Development Workshop. When I originally planned this workshop, I was intending to charge $397 for a ticket. Along the way, some well-meaning people started talking to me about charging more for the workshop and creating tiers to allow some people to get greater access to me and benefits beyond just the workshop itself. I went back and forth thinking about it and finally decided to go with the higher pricing.

But after I opened up registration, even though tickets sold, I also received emails from people who really wanted to come but couldn’t afford the higher pricing. These were people who had been telling me for months how excited they were to come to the workshop, and I felt bad that they now couldn’t come because of the price.

Others told me “Hey, there will always be people for whom the price is too high no matter what you charge.” But still, my intuition was niggling at me, and I started to feel very unsettled about what was happening.

Finally last Monday, I woke in a state of total dis-ease. My body was literally agitated with physical discomfort. I was so stressed, I could feel the stress chemical (cortisol?) running through my body. I wasn’t feeling panicked or anxious – I was just feeling like what I was doing was not in the flow. Like I was trying to row my boat upstream and like I was going against the current.

So I tuned in to my guides to find out what I needed to know and I immediately received the guidance I needed, the guidance I had ignored before because of logic. I knew I couldn’t do the workshop at the higher pricing, even if people were willing to pay it. I knew that at the higher price I could earn more money but potentially sell less tickets. And honestly what it comes down to for me is that I want to teach intuition development to as many people as possible (and apparently my guides concur).

My first reaction was to simply cancel the workshop, deciding I would offer it again in the future and give people more time to come, plan, and make travel arrangements. But after talking to some of my friends and associates, they encouraged me to simply write about what I experienced and offer the workshop at the original price I intended – $397 per seat.

So that’s what I’m going to do. I believe developing your intuition can help you with every aspect of your life. It’s sure helped me with mine. I’m a professional, and as you can see even I sometimes forget how powerful intuition can be! I’m trusting my intuition now, and offering the workshop at the lower price. I want you to come, I want you to learn how to use your intuition, and I want to teach you how to use this tool because I think it’s that awesome.

The workshop is April 28-29, which is coming up in just a few weeks. I’m still limiting the number of tickets for sale because I want to be able to give as much personalized attention to my students as possible.

The price for the workshop will be $397 until March 28. After that it will go to $497. So please register early so you can get the early-bird pricing.

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