You’re probably already familiar with what it’s like to have sex as a physical human being, but did you know that you can also engage in sexual liaisons outside of your physical body? Yes, it’s true. You’re not limited to the physical. There’s a whole other world of sex, pleasure, and unbridled passion awaiting you outside of your physical shell. And today I’m going to tell you all about it.
There’s more than one way to have non-corporeal sex. You can have sex in your dreams with a dream character. You can have sex while astral with a corporeal being, or sex while astral with another astral playmate. You can also have sex with a demon or low vibrational entity. Or you can go completely beyond the confines of the physical and non-physical and have a blissful ethereal experience that is unlike anything you can imagine; yes, better than any kind of sex you can imagine!
So let’s go over each of these and I’ll explain what it is and how to achieve it.
Dream Sex
Having sex in your dreams is fun, pleasurable, and safe. It’s just you and your dream character and no one ever has to know what you’re up to. Thanks to my ability to lucid dream, I’ve been blessed to have had sex with every hot actor, fictional character, and good looking real life friends, when I want, the way I want, and as many times as I want. And you can do this too. Just learn how to lucid dream and, when the situation presents itself, you can snap your fingers and engage in sexual activity with whoever you want. If you aren’t a master at lucid dreaming, you may still end up with a sex dream accidentally. But believe me, it’s worth learning how to do it lucidly.
If you’re a woman, dream sex can actually lead to having a real and true orgasm. More than likely you will wake up while in the throes of your orgasm and find your body actually having one.
If you’re a man, this is more tricky. Mostly what I hear from men is that they wake up with an erection and extremely horny, but don’t actually ejaculate in the dream or upon waking. If you’re a man, and you have, please let us know this is possible. Half the world awaits your testimonial.
Dream sex can lead to a lot of frustration though. Most of the time it doesn’t lead to climax, so you wake particularly hot, bothered, and unfulfilled. Still worth trying though.
Astral/Corporeal Sex
There is also a way to engage in sex where one person is astral (out of body) and one person is still in the body. If you are astral, you can go visit someone and attempt to merge your energy with theirs while they are sleeping (it won’t work if they are awake as your frequencies will be totally off). This should always and only be done with consent of the person you’re visiting, otherwise we’re talking astral rape and that’s not cool.
Once you are out of body, fly to the person’s body. You will likely see both their physical body on the bed and their astral body floating inside it, like a peanut rattling in a shell. With great love, tenderness and respect you can overlay your energy onto theirs and cast loving sexual thoughts their way. What’s going to happen is that you will experience a sexual bliss that is not localized to a body part, and your partner will either dream that they are having sex, or simply become sexually aroused without consciously realizing what’s happening.
If your friend is accomplished at lucid dreaming, this act will likely trigger lucidity. If not, they may phone you in the morning and tell you about the hot dream they had about you.
This particular method is not terribly fulfilling because usually only one of you is conscious of what’s going on.
Astral Playmates
If you can find a partner who is also accomplished at astral projection, then the two of you can meet on the astral plane and engage in astral sex together and consciously. It’s difficult to accomplish as you have to be out at the same time, on the same plane, and at the same astral frequency. The closer you are to each other emotionally, the more accomplished you are at astral projection, and the more you practice meeting up, the more success you will have.
Pick a location ahead of time and a time when you will attempt to meet. If one of you is better at astral projection, fly to the other person’s house and wake them up astrally, and then fly to your romantic destination together. Once you’re ready, you will simply hug or merge your energy together. Cast loving and sexual thoughts at your partner and you will trigger a release of pleasure that will reverberate through your entire energetic self and probably also to your body back on your bed. It’s a combination of bliss and the sensation of physical pleasure. Great stuff!
When I was in high school I was lucky enough to have 3 friends who were accomplished enough at astral projection for the four of us to engage in this behavior at will. Good times.
Sex with Demons or Lower Vibrational Entities
And now for the dark side of astral sex. Sometimes an entity that normally resides on the astral plane can come to you and stimulate you sexually for the purposes of swiping your energy. Look up incubi and succubi for more info on that.
Here’s the thing, though. These entities can come to you against your will and essentially rape you. If you’ve ever been stuck in a sleep paralysis state and felt someone touching you in your special areas, and got aroused even though you were terrified, you’re basically being astrally raped. This is no bueno! You must immediately call in your angels or spirit guides or whatever deity you pray to, to come and remove the interloper pronto. Your energy is being violently taken from you. You will wake up feeling lethargic and it can take hours to replace that energy.
Unfortunately sometimes people end up in a parasitic relationship with such entities. The entity gives you a ton of pleasure (and we’re talking about more pleasure than any human being can generate while corporeal), and you feel like it’s worth losing a little of your energy to obtain such bliss, so you don’t resist or push them away. In fact, you invite them to come back for another “session.” Over time, this leads to you losing a ton of energy which can manifest as apathy towards the real world or real love, and depression, anxiety, and sometimes shame, fear and suicidal thoughts. Not to mention leaking little parts of your soul to an entity who doesn’t have good intentions.
If you’re a woman, having sex with a demon or astral entity will feel like someone stimulating the g-spot of every single one of your chakras at the same time. It’s ridiculously pleasurable, and something no human can accomplish, so it can turn enticing very quickly. But I urge and caution you to avoid this slippery slope of parasitic sex. It’s not worth losing your soul.
If you do find yourself in an unwanted sexual relationship with a non-corporeal entity, you’ve got to ask the archangels to sever your connection and protect you from being visited by them anymore. A clean break. Just end it, and find a playmate in real life to satisfy you.
Ethereal Bliss Sex
The final method for out of body pleasure is pure universal bliss. It’s you merging your soul with Love. It won’t feel like physical sex. It is beyond any pleasure known to the physical form. It is almost indescribable if you haven’t felt it but imagine becoming one with EVERYTHING and feeling totally loved, connected, cared for, and blissful. And perfect. The way to achieve this is to go astral, and reach out to Source/Creator/Consciousness. The merging is timeless, spaceless and absolute. You probably won’t want to go back to your body, but you must. If you get the opportunity to experience this, it’s awesome, but rare. Enjoy the experience!
Be Safe
So there you have it. All the different ways to have sex on another plane. Some of it is awesome, some of it is a little dark, but at least you don’t have to worry about contraception! If there’s an astral sexually transmitted disease it’s probably lust, addiction, and losing your soul, so be careful who you’re playing with out there. And be respectful of other people.
Have fun tonight!
For more on astral projection:
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