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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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How can I purge myself of the negative energy sticking to me?

Question: As an empath, I often take on the suffering of others. How can I purge myself of the negative energy that is sticking to me? – Lea

Answer: See last week’s answer about empathy and negative energy. However, I’ll take this opportunity to tell you and all the other empath’s out there that you do not have to take on other people’s negative energy. It’s not part of your job requirements.

If you can’t stay away from negatively charged people, then learn to keep yourself shielded from their negativity. This is the difference between sympathy and empathy. You can be sympathetic without having to feel their pain and suffering. You can care without being crippled. Practice this until you can maintain some energetic distance from their pain.

What you’re doing is equivalent to someone being on fire and putting your hands in the fire so you know how they feel. Get a bucket of water on them instead. Learn to help raise people’s vibrations so there is no negative energy that can stick to you.

A drowning man is not helped by you drowning with him. Learn instead how to use your gifts to be the beacon of light that pulls people out of the darkness instead of you going in there and getting swallowed by it yourself.

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