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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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The Other Side ebook Release

The Other Side by Erin PavlinaI’m excited to announce the release of my ebook, The Other Side: Spirits, Guides, and the Afterlife.

If you’ve been following my blog for a long time you’ll know that a good portion of my blog articles are about the other side and what happens when we die. In fact, when I went through the entire blog I found that 86 of my articles contain information about the other side. If you haven’t read them all, here is your chance to get them all in one ebook, logically sorted by categories, 249 pages of afterlife goodness.

To sweeten the deal, the ebook comes with two free bonuses that are exclusive to this product. The first is an audio podcast (mp3) detailing what happens to you before you are born, while you are here, and after you die. It’s called A Tour of the Other Side.

The second bonus is a pdf called 25 Questions to Ask Your Guides. It includes an easy method for tuning in to your guides, plus 25 questions to ask them to get the conversation started.

To learn more about the book and to get your instant download of the ebook and free bonuses, go here:

The Other Side: Spirits, Guides and the Afterlife by Erin Pavlina

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