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with Erin Pavlina

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What is the meaning of intense dreaming?

What is the meaning of intense dreaming? by Erin Pavlina |

This week’s question comes from Jen. The question is:

I have very repetitive, exhaustive dreams that leave me drained during the day. I have them every night and when I wake up I feel like I’ve been gone for a month. Do you have any advice on what I can do to fix this or at least understand why they happen?

Discover the fascinating world of dream interpretation and unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind by reading my Dream Interpretation 101 article.

Jen, here is your answer…

(Here is a transcription of the video)

Hello everyone and welcome to the “Ask Erin Pavlina” YouTube series. Today’s question comes from Jen, and she writes: “I have very repetitive, exhaustive dreams that leave me drained during the day. I have them every night and when I wake up I feel like I’ve been gone for a month. Do you have any idea of what I can do to fix this or at least understand why this happens?”

Well, Jen, you are definitely not alone. I know there are a lot of people out there who have very intense dreams, and when they wake up in the morning they feel like they have been working or busy or running around active all night, including me. I’ll tell you why this happens. It could be one of a couple of reasons.

At night our subconscious mind attempts to alert us and make us aware of things we may not be aware of consciously.

So, most people would say, that if you’re having very intense dreams at night, it’s your subconsciousness’ way of trying to get your attention and alert you to something that’s going on in your life that you should be aware of and perhaps take action on. If you’re not aware of this during the day it’s going to come out in your dreams.

Now, there’s another explanation, which may or may not apply to you, I didn’t get a lot of information from your question, but let’s assume.

Often I see this happen among people who are very intuitive and who are lightworkers.

What’s happening is at night you are being instructed and trained by spirit guides or other helpers from the other side who are attempting to help you develop, learn, and remember what you’re supposed to remember so you can help other people while you’re awake.

This is the sort of thing that happened to me when I was growing up. I would have dreams that my spirit guides would come to me and give me instruction, they would give me training. They would put me through lessons and tests, and it was very exhausting because you are expending a lot of energy. You’re expending a lot of your conscious energy. So, in the morning, you feel like you’ve gotten no sleep and you feel like you’ve been running around all night.

The solution is really the same. During the day is when you want to communicate with your subconscious and with your spirit guides so that they don’t have to pull you aside at night and hijack your regular dream situation and your restful sleep in order to teach you something.

So my recommendation: If you are in this situation, spend a little time each day in meditation. Either connecting with your subconscious mind or connecting with your spirit guides – depending on what’s going on with you and the reason that you’re having these intense dreams. So, if this is happening to you pay attention during the day to what the universe is trying to get your attention about. If you can take action on that sort of thing during the day, you’ll have more restful sleep at night. Also, you are allowed to tell the universe, the dream guides, your spirit guides that you need a little break, so before you go to bed, tell them “Look, I don’t want any training tonight. I don’t want any communication, just let me have regular, normal dreams and a restful night.” And they should listen. So if you’re listening during the day, they will leave you alone at night. Good luck.

Unveil the power of your dreams with my complimentary dream interpretation journal. Download now!

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