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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Internship Position Open: Part Time Virtual Assistant

It’s 2010- I am opening up an intern position for a virtual assistant to help me run by business. As the demands on my time mount, I’m realizing I need to outsource the tasks that simply don’t need my personal attention. This will allow me to put my focus on helping more people and expanding my reach.

Here are the details regarding the position, please note that training will be provided:

Time commitment
This is definitely a part time position. Sometimes you’ll be heavily engaged in a project and sometimes it will be a 10 minute task. You will hold the plate and I will throw things on it. 😉 As they get handled, new items will appear on your plate. I hope you’re hungry.

As this is an internship it is an unpaid position. However, you get great experience, the chance to work with a lightworker whose mission is heavily aligned with helping the planet, a great reference for your resume, and personal acquaintance with me on a near-daily basis. In the future, this position could easily lead to a paid position if the circumstances warrant it.

Duties Include:
Internet research – Sometimes I will ask you to report on trends in the industry.

Promotion support – finding good media sources for interviews and guest blogging, interfacing with media outlets who need information from/about me.

Blog support – Searching through stock photography to find pertinent photos for blog entries

Workshop support – Helping prepare materials for workshops

Graphic support – getting graphics made (or if you can make them yourself, a huge plus)

Product support – helping people who are having difficulties downloading their mp3 or reading their ebook or using the shopping cart, etc.

Correspondence – friendly responses to people I can’t get to. Some knowledge of main topics is helpful (personal, spiritual, and psychic development) but not necessary

And more as things come up

Bonus skills if you have them:
Sales and marketing knowledge
Ability to write product copy
Some wordpress savvy
Live close to Vegas to assist with live events (you will get free admission to all of my events and some of Steve’s if I’m there working with him, but travel expenses will be your own to bear)

The person I’m looking for will be extremely reliable, speedy, and honest (i.e. if you don’t know how to do something you’ll ask me instead of faking it ‘til you make it). You’ll be friendly, able to correspond well with others, professional, and easily reached (i.e. none of this “don’t call me until after 5pm each day because my boss will fire me if he catches me working on your stuff instead of his” stuff.) You will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement keeping details of my personal and professional life to yourself as you will be privy to sensitive and private information. And you want to have fun, have a great experience, and help shift the planet.

How to Apply
Send me an email with your name, email address, and phone number. Then tell me what qualities and skills you have that will meet my needs, and tell me why you would enjoy the position. Lastly let me know your availability (i.e. if you have a full time job somewhere else, if you can’t work weekends, or what not).

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