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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Two Conferences, Two Chances for In-Person Readings

Just a reminder that if you are going to the I Can Do It conference next week in Tampa, Florida that I am available for an in-person reading.  If you aren’t going to the conference but live in the area, you can book an in-person reading as well.  We’ll be there from Thursday to Monday and I still have a few slots open for readings.  That’s October 2-6, 2008.

If you haven’t heard about the I Can Do It conference, you may be quite interested in attending.  Dozens of great speakers and workshops too.  Steve will be doing a presentation on Sunday, October 5 at 11am that you don’t want to miss. 🙂

In November, I will be in Phoenix, Arizona attending the Celebrate Your Life conference.  There are a lot of Hay House speakers doing presentations.  Mainly I’m going for the James Van Praagh workshop on Friday, November 7th.  Plus I’ll get to see many of my favorite authors including John Holland and Gary Renard.

If you’d like to book an in-person reading during either of these conferences, please use my contact form to let me know you’re interested and to make sure I can fit you into the schedule.  And if you’re planning to attend but don’t want a reading, you can still say hi when/if you see me.  Steve and I love meeting our readers. 🙂

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