Are You Walking Your Own Path?
Often during readings I run across people who are fulfilling their parents’ expectations of them instead of doing what they really want to do with
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Are You Walking Your Own Path?
Often during readings I run across people who are fulfilling their parents’ expectations of them instead of doing what they really want to do with
5 Steps to Greater Empathy and Oneness
Empathy is a powerful tool that you can use to help you connect with other people, which will increase your feelings of oneness. When you
Can psychics read people without permission?
Question: Can a psychic tune in to my spirit guides and get information about me that I don’t want them to know? Can they read
How To Tell the Difference Between Your Ego, Logic, Spirit Guides and Intuition
A question I am asked frequently is how to know if you are receiving guidance or advice from your intuition, your spirit guides, or just
In 10th grade when I was just 15 or 16 years old I got a psychic reading from Char, a wonderful and gifted psychic who
How To Become The Person You Always Wanted To Be
Do you sometimes wish you could be more organized? More productive? Do you wish you were more honest or kind? Do you want to be
Each year in June I take 2.5 to 3 weeks off from doing readings because my kids are out of school and don’t start summer
Question: Do you believe in possession, like in the movie The Exorcist or The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I am so worried that that could
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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