Dream interpretation is subjective, rooted in personal symbols and emotions. Understand your dreams for deeper insight
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Dream interpretation is subjective, rooted in personal symbols and emotions. Understand your dreams for deeper insight
A friend shared a wonderful link with me that I must pass on to you all. In this almost 19 minute presentation, neuroanatomist Jill Bolte
This is an interesting and sweet tale of a grandmother reaching out to her granddaughter. I received permission from the granddaughter to share this story.
Connecting With The Dead During Readings
I want to answer some questions and share some thoughts related to connecting with the deceased during the intuitive readings. I hope this will clarify some things
One day while I was in graduate school I and my fellow students were waiting for our 70-year-old professor to show up for class. This
Maintaining Your Power in the Face of Psychic Prediction
Today I want to talk about the importance of maintaining your power when you’re consulting a psychic. Specifically, how important it is not to give
Does sleep paralysis lead to astral projection?
Question: You’ve mentioned before that during sleep paralysis is a good time to astral project. Can you explain how to do that? Answer: Sleep paralysis
Do you ever find yourself worrying about things you can’t control? How about things that are not very likely to happen but you still obsess
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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