If you’re a parent of two (or more) small children you know that sometimes they can squabble and annoy each other a bit. My kids,
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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If you’re a parent of two (or more) small children you know that sometimes they can squabble and annoy each other a bit. My kids,
When Bad Things Happen to Good Psychics
Aren’t psychics supposed to be able to predict the future? If psychics can see the future how could their car ever break down in the
Is there any way to bring a dream back?
Question: The other night I dreamed that my deceased grandfather came to me and we had an intriguing conversation. But when I woke up I
My Experience at the Nevada Caucus
I decided to attend the 2008 Nevada Caucus this past Saturday because I wanted to support my current favorite candidate, and also to see what
The Only Thing Constant is Change
Something interesting has been happening to me lately that I want to share. As I’ve mentioned in previous blog entries, when I start a psychic
Ask Erin: Quick Answers to Quick Questions
Today I thought it would be fun, and quite productive, if I went back and answered a few dozen of the questions people have submitted
In college I joined a sorority and became fast friends with a beautiful Iranian girl named Rochie. She was extremely friendly, nurturing, caring, and compassionate.
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