The Criss Angel Celebrity Seance Episode
Many people were unable to see the episode of Criss Angel that I appeared on in 2006. Thanks to You Tube everyone can see it
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with Erin Pavlina
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The Criss Angel Celebrity Seance Episode
Many people were unable to see the episode of Criss Angel that I appeared on in 2006. Thanks to You Tube everyone can see it
What is the spiritual meaning behind mass suffering?
Question: What is the spiritual meaning behind a mass number of people enduring the same type of suffering, i.e. slavery or oppression? Answer: The simple
Q&A on the Dead and the Afterlife
Recently on the forums a couple of people asked a bunch of really good questions about the dead, the afterlife, reincarnation and the reasons to
Making a Living vs. Making a Life
In graduate school I remember taking an evening walk with my friend and we were talking about what we were going to do after college.
I was on my way to pick up my kids from school. My usual route is to take the freeway which takes about 10 minutes.
Are dreams about deceased loved ones real?
The other night I had a really vivid dream about my deceased grandfather. He told me all kinds of interesting things and it felt so real. Was it really his spirit talking to me or just a dream? How can I tell the difference?
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