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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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December Readings and Time Off

Just a quick announcement about my reading schedule for December.  I will not be doing any intuitive readings the last two weeks of December so I can enjoy the holidays and winter vacation with Steve and the kids.  You can still sign up for a reading during that time, but I won’t be able to schedule a phone reading or in-person reading until the week of January 1.  I still have a few phone appointment slots left for the week of Dec. 11 so if you think you’ll need a reading before the new year, now is the time to book one.

I intend to be all caught up on email readings by Dec 16th as well.  Thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting.  If you book an email reading after Dec. 16 you’ll have to wait until the new year to get the reading as well.  Bear that in mind when you book.



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