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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Criss Angel Mindfreak episode airing on Halloween

It’s official.  The Celebrity Seance episode of the Criss Angel MindFreak show that I filmed back in May 2006 is going to air on Halloween night, on A&E.  Check your local listings for the time; it’s probably 10pm in most places but it could be different where you live.  It is not the special Halloween episode, rather the episode is titled “Celebrity Seance” so make sure you’re tuned in to the right one because there will be a Halloween Special airing after this episode.

I have no idea how much of me they will show.  We filmed for 6 hours and the show is only 30 minutes.  Plus the show features a lot of celebrities so I’m thinking they’ll get more airtime than I do. 😉  So it may only be 30 seconds, 3 minutes, 10 minutes, I don’t know.  I also have no idea what they will show or how they will portray my experience there.  You know how shows edit footage.  I will probably post a blog entry on Nov. 1 about the episode once I see it.

I’m excited that it’s finally going to air.  Thanks to everyone who has asked me periodically when the show will be on.  Your support is much appreciated.  I hope the show’s editors have done us justice.

If you’re out partying on Halloween, just set your Tivo’s to record it. 🙂

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