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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Some Feedback on the Readings

Recently I did a reading for a man named Evan Owens.  After the reading I asked Evan if he would be willing to share his experience in my blog because some interesting things happened during the reading.  Here is what he sent me to post:

I recently had a phone reading with Erin, after which she asked if I would be willing to share the experience with her readers.  The reading was an enlightening event for me.  I thought I would write a little bit about what led me to contact Erin, what the reading itself was like, and even a little bit of what I have learned.
I am an engineer by trade.  My recent life has been, for the most part, grounded somewhere between the logical rigors of software and the marshy vagaries of a growing business.  In my childhood I had possessed a keen interest in the supernatural, but as I grew older and “wiser”, I logically argued with myself not to waste time with fantasies.  Maybe someday, if I were to encounter undeniable evidence of something beyond “natural”, maybe then I would revisit my childhood interest.  Until that time I resigned myself to focusing on the details of the real world.
Just over a year ago, immediately prior to what was to become a very difficult episode of my life, it finally happened:  I witnessed something… remarkable, and received the validation I had never really expected.  I began to reconsider the wisdom of my “logical” life.  And I began to casually search for answers.  There was no logical way to explain what I had seen so… why not?
Over the last year I have visited perhaps a half-dozen psychics and readers, originally for fun and then for guidance.  Some have been charlatans (“Keep your eyebrows shaved and you will be rich”).  Most were amazingly insightful.  From these experiences I have learned that psychic ability does indeed exist, and to varying degrees.  Unfortunately, though I have received powerful, insightful confirmation on the status and events of my life, there was little guidance.
A couple of months ago I stumbled upon Steve’s blog.  (I’m still working on becoming an early riser…)  And then, of course, Erin’s.  I started reading casually and became curious when Erin announced her new intuitive readings service.  My difficult life episode had recently, following an agonizing decision, come to a sudden close.  A new life had begun, and yet something was still… wrong.  I consulted family, close friends and mentors, even another very talented psychic, but was not close to an answer.  Maybe Erin would be able to shed some light…
Erin called promptly at the agreed time.  She excused herself momentarily to tune in to my guides, and then, to my surprise, began to immediately describe a metaphor.  The metaphor jolted me into a series of questions, to which Erin began to provide immediate and direct answers.  And before we could continue very far, and as Erin has already described in another post, my grandfather, “Grandpa Dave” as I knew him, came through with a message.
The message, as well as some of Erin’s answers, were not easy to hear.  Nor were they the matter-of-fact responses I had become accustomed to with other psychics.  This, instead, was a form of guidance, a kind of framework via which to evaluate decisions, both past and future.
The agonizing decision I had so carefully made?  Not entirely right.  Elements of the decision were correct, but I had overlooked serious issues; important lessons lost in a grey that I, in my black-and-white world, find so difficult to see.  Not what I expected, but extremely valuable insights.
Erin’s advice for the road ahead was equally as eye-opening.  Rather than being told “this will happen and that won’t”, I was provided advice to consider.  And though I still can’t clearly see the twists and turns on the road before me, I do now feel as though I have the beginning of a map.  And maybe I can even start to drive just a little bit beyond the speed limit.
In the end, a quick call with Erin turned out to be not what I expected, much of what I hoped for, and ultimately, a truly enlightening, remarkable experience.

Thank you, Evan, for allowing me to read for you.  It was as good an experience for me as it was for you.  I learn something with every reading.

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