Ask Erin: Are ouija boards real?
Question: I’m curious to know if you believe in ouija boards. Can they be used to connect with those who have passed on? I know
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with Erin Pavlina
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Ask Erin: Are ouija boards real?
Question: I’m curious to know if you believe in ouija boards. Can they be used to connect with those who have passed on? I know
I’m a parent. I’ve got 2 small children ages 2 and nearly 6. I do what all parents do; I try to teach my kids
It was time for me to make my decision. The Rishi had shown me what I needed to see in that pool of his that
Ask Erin: How do you wake up from a dream gone bad?
Question: How do you wake yourself up when you’re having a nightmare and become lucid? Like if someone is chasing you and you need to
Ask Erin: How do I let go of my past?
Question: I grew up with a mother who was manipulative and verbally abusive with me. I feel as though my bad chilldhood has had terrible
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” —
Astral Projection: The Basics Explained
Explore the ins and outs of astral projection in this Q and A. Learn what it is, how it differs from lucid dreaming, and tips for safe exploration.
Astral Projection: My First Experience
Discover the chilling story of my first astral projection experience and how it reshaped my understanding of the astral realm.
Ask Erin: Is it okay to leave people behind when you grow?
Question: I’ve finally decided to live my life as I think I should. However, in the process, I had to end a relationship with a
How to Feel Good When Bad Things Happen
It was 10th grade. I had just broken up with the “love of my life” and I was sobbing in my bathroom. I remember crying
Ask Erin: How can I speak with my deceased father?
Question: I used to have occasional dreams about my father (deceased). In the last dream he was in a bright white room no walls, or
Aunt Viola: My first encounter with the dead
I was six years old when my great aunt, Viola, passed away. I remember being at my grandma’s house where my sister and I were
Always Listen to Your Intuition
About a year ago I learned a valuable lesson: to always listen to my intuition. One afternoon while my daughter was at school and my
Ask Erin: How do I give sincere compliments?
Question: How do you craft a compliment? After enjoying your article, Kindness is Contagious, I realized that your sincerity came through and changed that room
Ask Erin: What if I want to be evil?
Question: What if “choosing evil” feels the most natural? I’ve done good in the past, but somehow I’d feel more true to myself if I
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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